
Is English accent stopping people getting into local job market?

I’ m here today with Michael who has just secure da job as a software engineer. So Michele, before you came to Industry Connect, what was your experience in trying to find a job here in New Zealand?

I was working in Singapore for seven years before me and my wife moved here to New Zealand. So, I have several interviews in the past and I successfully landed a face to face interview, but not lucky to land a job here in New Zealand.

And Industry Connect, what kind of experience did you gain or skills did you gain in terms of development that you didn’t have overseas?

Okay. In Industry Connect, you will gain real word experience in commercial practice. So you will learn all the Microsoft technologies like .net, sql server. So, I learned all that stuff during my intern year in Industry Connect.

Great. And in terms of soft skills, what kind of advice and experience were you given around those areas?

Okay. In terms of soft skills, I was able to improve my communication skills, because when we came here, I was able to, because the accent was different, really different. So it’s tough for the new people to understand the New Zealand accent. But in Industry Connect, because we’re communicating most of the time, so I was able to improve my communications skills, and I was able to boost my confidence to become friendly to people.


And also able to understand most of the slang language that they use here.

Awesome. And for someone else who is looking at potentially doing Industry Connect, what would your advice to them be?

If you’re from a software development background like me, and you want to gain a New Zealand experience, Industry Connect is highly recommended, so you should go for it to gain commercial experience in New Zealand.

Awesome. Thanks Michael. Good job on getting your new job.

Thank you very much.

And I wish you all the best.


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Re-entering the Software work force – Episode 2

Re-entering the Software work force – Episode 2

Hi again everyone. Here today with Othman with who has just received a job from Finance Now. First of all, congratulations Othman.

Thank you very much.

Well done. Can you tell us a little about your prior programming experience before coming to Industry Connect?

Yeah. I came to New Zealand in 2008 and before that, I worked as a senior analyst programmer. And there I used a language not familiar in New Zealand and that's called Progress 4GL. And I used to do systems analysis and design as well as programming there.

Okay. Cool. And what do you think Industry Connect helped you with in terms of getting a job?

Oh major, major, help. A lot of help. It was like an eye opener and it gave me the experience with the latest technologies which are being used in New Zealand as well as the soft skills as well: presentation, assisting us with the interviews, and generally giving us practical experience as well and learning from top staff but you cannot get anywhere else. And they use the latest technology as well.

Okay. Awesome. And would you have any advice for someone considering joining Industry Connect who was in a similar situation?

Yes, I would really recommend Industry Connect. I think it helped me as well as the
rest of my colleagues to find jobs because I was very disheartened when I first came.

I actually lost hope that I was going to find a job and because of Industry Connect, they rekindled my IT experience and I like to work. Because I did a lot of non-IT work after I came to New Zealand thinking that I was going to give up on IT. Having Industry Connect has rekindled and started my whole IT life.

That’s awesome.